Emotional and mental wellbeing is an integral part of modern pastoral care in the classroom. Now in the post pandemic more than ever! As an ELSA and class teacher, over 30 years I have found that developing emotional literacy is key in supporting the children. There is some good literature aimed at the primary school child but as a teacher, I could not find a resource that covered the range of emotions experienced by the children in my care. So, I created The Mood Munchers, which are a series of books and toys that can be used in the classroom to demonstrate how all emotions are like visitors that come and go. But more importantly, in accepting all emotions children learn that no feeling is either good or bad, they are all OK. When children understand that they are not their feelings or thoughts, they are free to develop into confident, courageous and curious beings who can face life’s challenges with resilience. As a teacher I have witnessed how children more readily accept and process difficult emotions, when they come to understand that they too will pass. There is a teachers book written to guide you on how to interact with emotions in the classroom and how to engage with conversations regarding feelings.
If you would like to buy the whole set as a school please contact us at info@moodmunchers.co.uk